What is the EYTS?
The East Yorkshire Tournament Series is a competition where coaches compete to achieve the best score over a number of different Blood Bowl tournaments.
The series will include events which are within the geographic and surrounding areas of Hull and East Yorkshire.
The EYTS is run over a calendar year with the event launching in January each year with awards to be handed either at or after the HABBL-MAS event following the end of the series.
The EYTS organiser is: TimDaBoss.

The EYTS will consist of a minimum of 5 events per year. To be included in the rankings for the EYTS a coach must compete in a minimum of one events.
The EYTS will cover all HABBL and EYBBL events where they are NAF sanctioned, this includes 7’s and variant events such as the EYBBL Snotling Bowl!
EYBBL Events:
Winter Cup (BB7’s) – 26th January
HABBL Events:
Spring Slam Team Tournament (11’s) – 2nd March
The HABBL Cup MMXXV (11’s) – 18th May
The HABBL Stunty Cup 2025 (11’s Stunty) – 13th July
HABBL Super Sevens Tournament 2025 (7’s) – 14th September
Humberside Hostility 3 (7’s) – 18th October
It’s Beginning To Look a Lot Like HABBL-MAS! 2025! (11’s) – 7th December
Coach Requirements, Prizes and Scoring
To be included within the EYTS you must be a NAF member regardless of any tournament requirements.
Prizes are provided by NAF and there will be a prize for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Stunty Cup.
Coaches receive the following points based on their ranking:
- +10 to +1 points for top 10 placement, on a declining scale. In other words, a 1st place finish is worth 10 points, a 2nd place finish is worth 9 points and so on, down to a 10th place finish being worth 1 point.
- Should there be fewer than 10 coaches (it happens!), the maximum score is equal to the total number of participants, declining as usual. That means winning a tournament with 6 participants results in 6 points for 1st place, 5 points for 2nd place, and so on.
- +1 point per full 10 places below them in the standings capped at a maximum of 5. Examples: A coach finishing 1st in a 32-coach tournament receives a bonus of +3 because there are 30+ coaches below. Finishing 13th in the very same tournament gives 1 bonus point, as there are 19 coaches below. A coach finishing first in a 10-coach tournament receives no bonus as there are only 9 coaches below.
- +1 point per day of the tournament. Given to all participants.
- +2 points for each win and 1 point for each draw
- Coaches receive 0.1 points for each tournament they participate in.
- Tiebreakers
- Total number of Series Tournament Champion wins (1st place finishes)
- Total number of Series Tournament Match wins
- Fewest Tournament Match defeats
- Most Tournament Matches played
- 4th highest Tournament score; then 5th, 6th etc until a winner is determined
Adding Your Event To The EYTS
If you are a TO who would like to be included within the EYTS please contact us. Any events accepted into the EYTS will be approved on a first come first served basis, based on the date of NAF approval. Any event included in the EYTS must :
• Be within the surrounding areas of Hull and East Yorkshire.
• Have capacity for at least 16 coaches
• Must be NAF approved at time of inclusion
• Commit to providing results to the TSO within 1 week of the event finishing.