Almost a year has past since you settled your many beefs. Yeah, you took a few knocks and stinky Joe don’t walk quite right anymore but you showed ‘em….or so you thought.
Rumours are starting, and so it looks like you will have to show them all who was right….again…and this time its personal!!
Once again every game is a chance to put to bed “that” grudge which keeps you and your players up at night.
Each team nominates a “captain” and they get “Leader” as a free skill before assigning skills package.
Starting skills Package:
Tier 1 – 1 primary skill:
Amazons, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Norse, Undead, Skaven, Underworld Alliance, High Elves, Wood Elves.
Tier 2 – 1 primary, 1 secondary skill (can be exchanged for primary):
Black Orcs, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegades, Elven Union, Humans, Nobility, Khorne, Necromantic Horror, Nurgle, Orcs, Old World Alliance, Tomb Kings, Vampires, Slann.
Tier 3 – 2 primary, 2 secondary skills (can be exchanged for primary):
Goblins, Halflings, Ogres, Snotlings
Skill Escalation: End of rounds 1-4, one random player (inc captain), gets 1 random primary skill to keep for the rest of the tournament (rolled for by opponent).
Weather: All games will roll on the “coastal weather table” (because its Hull)
FEUD!: Each game will use a version of the “Feud!” Game event from the start.
• During set up each game, One random player on each team have beef with each other. When they block or blitz each other they get +2 strength and mighty blow +1.
• The feud is “settled” once one of these players is knocked out or better. The victorious coach gets the bonus points and adds 1 to their “feuds settled” tally.
• A feud can be settled with a Foul, so long as the fouling player is the one with the Feud.
• A feud cannot be settled with a “Both Down” that results in both players being KO or better – neither player is conscious enough to remember winning that scrap and so the feud remains unsettled.
Number of Tickets: 18
Send completed rosters through to humberside.hostilitybb@yahoo.com no later than 14th October 2023.
Tickets can be refunded up to 7 days before the event starts unless the event is cancelled, where a full refund will be issued. Hull’s Angels is not responsible for any additional costs (such as travel or accommodation) that may occur if an event is cancelled. To request a refund please contact us.
To attend an event you must be 18 or over.
The club is situated on the first floor up a flight of stairs. Unfortunately we have no disabled access right now – this is something we’re working on.