March 17, 2024
8:30 am
6:30 pm
The Whitefriargate Opens is a 1 day, 5 round escalation GBHL80 event for Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game.
Tickets will be available from February 12, 2024 at 6:00pm.
Event Essentials
- List submission due 10th March by 23:59. Players must submit a 200pt, 400pt and 600pt list (each list has to be comprised of all elements from the previous point limit).
- List restrictions:
- No Legendary Legions.
- No allies, single army list only.
- No named characters.
- Must have a Captain-tier model as your leader. Any rules that would prevent this (such as Heroic tier) are ignored. Full list of Captain-tier models will be in the rulepack but its as it sounds (2,1,1 Marchers).
- Your leader will gain special advancements after each round, such as stat increases, access to heroic actions, access to magic powers and more.