HABBL 11’s League

Welcome to the hub page for the HABBL Season 3 11’s League!

The regular 11’s season has 14 coaches split into two divisions. Each coach will play 7 games; once against each person in their division, and one against a random coach from the other division. At the end of the season the top 4 coaches from each division will progress into the playoffs!

Round 1 Results

After all the teams stormed onto the gridiron we have our first Top of the Lot:

Most League Points – Industrial Ratvolution
Most Touchdowns – Industrial Ratvolution
Most Casualties – The Unkrumpables

In Remembrance

This rounds fallen hero is Rat Damen the Rat Ogre from Scuffy Nutters, who’s Blood Bowl career was cut “short” by the Uzkulag Slags. However, I’m sure it won’t take long for the apothecaries of Clan Moulder to piece him back together!

Round 2