HABBL Rookie League

Welcome to the hub page for the HABBL Season 3 Rookie League!

This seasons Rookie League has 8 coaches in a single division. Each coach will play 7 games; once against each coach in the division. At the end of the season the coach with the most points will be crowned the Rookie Champion!

Coaches have 2 weeks to plan and organise their game. Tim will try to be on hand as often as possible and will update you on when he is planning to be at the club for rules queries, so that you can try and plan your games to match if you feel you need the additional support.

Once you’ve played your game, use the QR poster at the club on the events board to submit your results. Any queries just get in touch!

Round 1 Results

After all the teams stormed onto the gridiron and figured out which way they were meant to be taking the ball, we have our first Top of the Lot:

Most League Points – The Ninth Ritualists
Most Touchdowns – The Ninth Ritualists
Most Casualties – The Ninth Ritualists

Round 2