Kill Team Approved Ops League

Rounds 3 to 5

Each player will play 5 games – one against each other player in their division.

The top two players from each division will progress through to the playoffs; the first place player from each division will play the second place player from the other division, the winners from each game going through to the final!

To help with organisation, multiple rounds will be posted at once allowing you to fit in multiple games in one evening. These games do not need to be played in the specified order.

Reporting Games

A poster with a QR code will be available on the club event board for reporting your results.

  • 3pts for a Win
  • 2pts for a Draw
  • 1pt for a Loss
  • 1 bonus point for using a painted Kill Team

Division Primus

Round 3
Graeme HarrisvsLiam Howard
Lee RussellvsPeter Robinson
James HartleyvsTom Clay
Round 4
Graeme HarrisvsPeter Robinson
Liam HowardvsTom Clay
James HartleyvsLee Russell
Round 5
Graeme HarrisvsTom Clay
James HartleyvsPeter Robinson
Lee RussellvsLiam Howard

Division Secundus

Round 3
Alex JenkinsonvsPascal Maguet
Matty ConnellvsRyan Groves
Mark KeelingvsThomas Gardner
Round 4
Alex JenkinsonvsRyan Groves
Pascal MaguetvsThomas Gardner
Mark KeelingvsMatty Connell
Round 5
Alex JenkinsonvsThomas Gardner
Mark KeelingvsRyan Groves
Matty ConnellvsPascal Maguet

Live Results

Division Results



Individual Results
