Hull’s Angels Blood Bowl league, or HABBL for short, runs twice a year. Alongside the leagues we also run multiple events throughout the year.
The Winter/Spring league runs from January to May, and the Summer/Autumn League runs from July to November.
Next Blood Bowl Event:
Spring Slam Team Tournament

HABBL League Season Three – Winter/Spring 2025

Use the buttons below to visit the relevant hub page for pairings and current standings:
HABB7’s Evening Tournament (August)
It’s beginning to look a lot like

Bob Bifford’s Blood Bowl Bingo!

Hull’s Angels is home to the Bob Bifford’s Blood Bowl Bingo! This is an optional fun extra at our events that has no impact on the results of the games but can win you some additional swag!
For each row you complete you can claim yourself a prize from Bob’s Swag Pile (such as stickers, art prints, magnets, slam coasters) and if you complete the entire sheet you’ll win the top prize – the Big Bob Bifford Trophy!